Optional. CALL_FORWARD_TYPE is used to specify how incoming calls should be handeled.
CALL_FORWARD_TYPE can be one of the following:
SIP_URI - is used to forward incoming calls to external SIP URI. A primary and backup SIP URI can also be specified.
CALLFLOW - is used to handle incoming calls with Anveo Call Flow.
PHONE - is used to forward incoming calls to another phone number.
SIP_REGISTERED - is used to forward incoming calls to SIP device registered with Anveo.
TRUNK - [ANVEO DIRECT ONLY] is used to forward incoming calls to SIP Trunk configured at Anveo Direct account.
Optional. CALL_FORWARD_TO specifies the destination for CALL_FORWARD_TYPE option specified.
The format depends on the CALL_FORWARD_TO as following:
* SIP_URI - SIP URI where calls should be forwarded to. You can use $[E164]$ placeholder in SIP URI string which will be replaced with the actual Anveo phone number.It is possible specify primary and backup SIP URIs separated by comma. For example: $[e164]$,$[e164]$
SIP URI string may contain a port as following $[E164]$
* CALLFLOW - API KEY for Anveo call flow.
* PHONE - phone number in the following format: COUNTRY CODE + AREA CODE + PHONE NUMBER. For example: 12151234564 ( forward to 1 (USA), 215(AREA CODE) and 1234564(phone number))
* SIP_REGISTERED - 'ACCOUNT' when Account Number remote party should be called (like the most SIP phones requre) or 'E164' when Anveo Phone Number remote party should be called (when forwarding to soft-switch like Asterisk and others).
* TRUNK - TRUNK ID from Anveo Direct portal.