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Anveo Call Flow is capable of sending email messages or Instant Messages to major IM clients.
How Anveo Can Help / Business Case Example
Situation: You manage a customer support group. Although you don't personally answer the calls, you want to be automatically notified via email of all Tier 1 support calls along with call back information. Additionally when callers request a manager, you want to be automatically notified via IM message just before you receive the call.

Solution: Use Anveo's Visual Call Flow Designer to customize the response to Tier 1 support calls. Just drag-and-drop the Email Message feature into your Call Flow at the point that Tier 1 support has been selected. Configure your extension's Call Flow; just drag-and-drop the IM Message feature to the point in the flow just before the call is directed to your phone.
Anveo offers 5 ways to send messages from Call Flow:
Notification Call Controls support Call Flow Variables for advanced Call Flow needs.
Example (Tier 1 support request)
Example (Request to speak with the Manager)
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